ISA meeting

Week 40, October 2, 2001.

Status of the ring: During the past weekend, two problems arose: A capacitor in the microtron modulator failed, and a cooling water hose in the septum supply developed a leak. In spite of that, we managed to provide a beam during the weekend, but with lower current than usual. The problems were fixed Monday, and we are now back to normal.
Yesterday (Monday), the x-ray microscope beamline was vented by accident. Fortunately, both the microscope and the ring were protected by valves. Take this accident as a reminder to review vacuum safety at your own setup! The beamline was pumped and bakeout started yesterday afternoon. We will stop the bakeout today, since the beamline should be ready tomorrow for demonstrations in connection with the BLIS workshop.

The BLIS workshop will be held this week, starting Thursday morning, and you are all welcome to attend the talks. Only those who have registered can participate in coffee, lunch etc.

The new computer virus Nimda has visited several of our computers during the past week, but everything is now restored, and no serious damage was done. Antivirus programmes have been installed on all PC's in our domain, so hopefully we are better protected the next time a virus comes around.

Parts of the IFA water installation have to be repaired. This will probably take place on Saturday October 13th, and will force us to shut down the ring that day. When the final decision is made to do it that day, an announcement will be made on our status page.

2/10 2001 / +