ISA meeting

Week 13, March 27, 2001.

Status of the ring:Last Tuesday, the microtron thyratron trigger circuit was checked in detail, and some parts replaced. This has significantly increased the stability of the microtron, which makes injections quicker and more reproducible. Last week, injected currents have typically been 180-200 mA.
Yesterday, the new tune-tracking program was put in operation. This version uses much smaller steps when controlling the quadrupole currents, and measures the tune faster, thus reducing the time constant of the system. Measurements which earlier had problems with stability show a much more stable signal now.

The undulator beamlines have now been equipped with full computer control of the vacuum valves.

Newsletter 8 is being planned now. It will have the same main structure as #7, containing 3-4 contributions describing major experimental events which have taken place since the last newsletter..

Electron run 1/01 will be extended 2 weeks. The last week will be week 16/01, such that the run will end on Monday April 23 at 08:00. There will be beam during the Easter holidays (12-16/4).

27/3 2001 /