ISA meeting

Week 5, January 30, 2001.

Status of the ring: Everything has been running well. Stored currents are generally greater than 180mA, and the lifetime is still going up. The lifetime is now about 20h at 180 mA.
SVH has experienced some problems with measurements on the UV1 beamline when the undulator gap is being changed. We are trying to address this by starting to track the beam tune and continually adjust it to a fixed value, since the problem may be caused by the different tune of the beam at different undulator positions. This program is still being tested, but will probably be put into permanent operation next week. If you observe any adverse effects of this, please let us know!

The Science Research Council (SNF) will be visiting ISA and the ASTRID hall on Monday around 11:30 for ½-1 hour. This means, that there will be user beam from approx. 11:00.

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