ISA meeting
Week 2, January 11, 2000.
Status of the ring: The ion run ended yesterday morning at 08:00. The electron cooler group finished the run with H3+.
Electron Run 1/00 will start on January 24, and things are getting ready:The RF-cavity will be baked later today.
- We still do not have the button pickups for the new undulator chamber, so we will start the run with the old chamber. It will be mounted today.
- SGM-2 is ready, but the grating chamber should be baked since the last bakeout was too short.
- SGM-1 is baked and ready
- SX-700 is waiting to have some absorber foils mounted in the beamline.
- The x-ray microscope is ready.
- The microtron is running well.
The ANKA booster in Karlsruhe, in the construction of which ISA has participated, is running well. Last week, more than 10 mA were accelerated at the nominal (!) RF frequency.
11/1 2000 / nh + spm