ISA meeting

Week 1, Jan. 5, 1999.

Status of the ring: We are currently running D- for Peter Balling, continued from before the holidays. The beam has been accelerated and positioned in the ring, and the next step is to electron cool the beam in order to lower the momentum spread by a factor of ~10. PB has the beam for rest of this week.
During the holidays, the ring was shut down. When it was restarted yesterday, we had some problems with the vacuum interlock system, but this was solved yesterday, and we are now able to run again.

Staff news: Karsten Rasmussen will be going on leave for one year starting Feb. 1st. Karsten will work at the ESRF in Grenoble, and while he will be missed here, we will benefit from his new experiences when he returns. Good luck, Karsten!
Peter Damm has got another job now, and will stop working for us as soon as another person can take over his duties. Good luck with your new job, Peter!

The ANKA project, in which ISA works together with DANFYSIK is coming along as scheduled. The 53 MeV microtron produced its first full energy beam just before Christmas. Now work continues in order to improve current and duration of the pulse.

The ISA microtron was shut down before Christmas due to vacuum problems. It will now be leak tested, but the cause is probably the dipole o-rings. A new and improved type is ready for mounting, and we should be ready to produce positrons again within a few weeks.

ELISA: On Friday at 11:15 there will be a meeting on the observed intensity dependence of the beam lifetime in ELISA, and how to proceed.

The optics for the planned UV1 beamline will be arriving in May. If so, it could be ready for electron run 2/99 starting in August.

5/1 1999 nh+spm