The problems with the tape-drive for our automatic backup-system are cured, and the tape backup is running again. It is still recommended that you make a CD-rom copy every ½-1 year. Ask Peter how to do it. Furthermore a new backup system/policy is being prepared.
The hardware necessary for the next electron run was discussed, and it seems that there is sufficient capacity in the workshop and in KI's group to have the items needed ready in time. However, the second new plunger and the spare will not be ready for this run. Also the new undulator vacuum chamber will not be installed in the next electron run.We point out that it is planned to use the period 21-23 December for maintenance, i.e. no ion run.
We remind staff (in particular physicists) at ISA and IFA that the vacum lab, 525-223, is not a laboratory to be used by everybody, and in particular not without asking.