ISA meeting

Week 44, Oct. 27, 1998.

Status of the ring: We had a very stable run until last weekend, where a supply failed due to cooling water problems, causing the microtron dipoles to loose power. When power was applied again, the vacuum did not get as good as it should, indicating new problems with the o-rings in the dipole chambers. We are, however, able to finish this run, although injections will be slower and possibly not reach as large currents as last week.
The current electron run has been extended by another day in order to allow the unduline measurements to finish. Tomorrow afternoon, we will try to simulate the effect of a narrower undulator chamber on the injection. This will be done by moving the present chamber up- and downwards by a few millimetres.
The run will end on Thursday morning at 08:00.

The Unduline is very successful, with several very nice results of the initial measurements. Last week, measurements were made on photoionisation of K+, this week C+ is investigated.

The SGM I monochromator, which was partially vented last week, is again in a useable condition, but with higher pressure than desired. It will improve with time, and it yet not certain whether it will need to be baked.

The computer group is very busy preparing for the coming ion run. There are still essential parts of the control system that need to be tested. This will take place during the shutdown.
In addition to this work, a major network modification must take place during the shutdown, connected to the fact, that we must get new, internal IP-numbers and change domain name. ISA will in the future be called on the www. Similarly, IFA will become Among other things, this will mean that we all have to get new email addresses, but the old addresses will be active for another year or two.
In connection to these modifications, everything on the net will be unavailable for up to three days, except email.

The ISA User Meeting 1998 is getting close. It will be held on Monday November 16, and all the posters MUST be ready before then. Robin is poster coordinator, and there will be a list with the names of the projects that must be represented. Since most of you recently made a contribution for the activity report, it should be an easy task to make the posters.

27/10/98 nh+spm