ISA meeting

Week 43, Oct. 20, 1998.

Status of the ring: The ring is still running very well, and is operating 24 hours a day. We had some acceleration problems yesterday evening, but they seem to be solved now.
This is the last, full week of electron operation. The ring will be shut down on Wednesday next week, Oct. 28 at 08:00.
The shut-down will last until the start of Ion Run 2/98 in week 47 (Monday Nov. 16). The next shutdown will be in weeks 7 and 8/99,
The plan for the next ion run is finally ready, and is reproduced (including misprints) on the back of this report.

The Onduline works well, and produced its first spectrum last night, where the photoionisation threshold of K+ was measured. It looks very good ! Congratulations !

The SGM I suffered a vacuum accident yesterday afternoon, whereby the system was vented. The front end and the ring was protected by the safety system and not affected, but the station will be out of operation for the remainder of this electron run.

The SGM II is now operational, and the resolution is very good, about 1.3 meV, which is very close to the design value. More congratulations !

The SX-700 runs well as usual, producing results around the clock.

Welcome to two new colleagues: Erling Dalsgård, who started yesterday, and Jan Creutsberg, who will start next week. They will both be working with Kåre, Lars, René and Jens on mechanical assembly and vacuum systems.

ELISA is running again. The detector has been moved back, and the differential pumping of the injection beamline improved. There was beam in the machine yesterday, and experiments are expected to start tomorrow.

The new control system is being prepared for the coming ion run, and some crucial parts were tested yesterday. Tests will continue at the end of the electron run.

20/10 98 nh+spm