The fault on ELISA has been found, and a lifetime of 2 seconds of a 22 keV CO+ beam at a pressure of 8 10-11 mBar was demonstrated last week. This pressure is dominated by gas load from the injector, and additional pumping is planned. The initial commissioning of ELISA will be finished during this and next week, and the initial experiments can start.
SGM1 has been realigned and is ready for the first user, Per Morgen.
A new condenser zone plate has been mounted in the x-ray microscope, and it should be ready one of the first days.
The Miyake monochromator for onduline is being checked and looks ok. SGM2 will be baked thoroughly and leak tested in the next days.
The new user's office/kitchen/dining room will be modified next week. Hence, please remove your food etc. from the frige before then.