ISA meeting

Week 32, August 4, 1998.

Status of the ring: Last week, we started electron injections, and solved several minor problems with the new control system. However, while we could get a good injection through the new provisional injection beamline, we were unable to stack, and thus reach a usable current. The reason, which was discovered this morning, is a misunderstanding during the design of the new kicker. It is now being taken out, after which the old one, slightly modified, will be put back in. With a little luck and some overtime, we should be able to start baking the kicker chamber late tomorrow, and be ready to start injections again on Friday. If things go as expected, there will be beam during the weekend. Perhaps not a very large current, but sufficient for alignment etc.

The microtron is running very well, and is used by the positron people when it is not in use for injections.

The new control system, including ramping, seems to be working well. A number of things have become much easier and faster. For some time, however, we will keep the old system in standby, in the unlikely case something in the new system should go wrong.

The unduline has been equipped with a new window to replace the leaking one.

The ISA User Office will be moved to the present meeting room, which will also be equipped with a small kitchen. Due to lack of office space, there will be some other changes in the near future.

Welcome to Chr. Schultz, our new postdoc, who is working together with Philip Hofmann.

4/8 1998 NH + SPM