ISA meeting

Week 24, June 9, 1998.

Status of the ring: We have had some bad luck during the past week: Last Wednesday, while we were setting up for a C2H2+ run for the electron cooler group, the ring was accidentally vented because of a mechanical problem in a valve. The first half of the ring was baked until Thursday, after which we started baking the second half. While the first half cooled down, it developed a severe leak in the chamber in dipole 1. This was repaired yesterday, and we are now baking the ring again. If things go as planned, we should be ready to run again late tomorrow. We will start with HDO+ for the electron cooler group.

The microtron is running much better now: The pulse current approaches 10 mA, and the pulse width is about 0.7 microseconds. The stability of the machine has also improved.

Air conditioning in the ring hall is being installed now.

Computers: Our backup-server (KUPNU) crashed due to a bad harddisc last week. This means, that there is no backup just now, but TW is replacing the disc, so backups will be made again soon, probably starting Thursday.

ELISA has had a circulating beam with the new separator. There are still some minor vacuum problems in the injection beamline.

The Onduline: Thursday last week there was an ion beam out of the separator for the first time.

The EBIS can now run at a higher electron energy than before. UP has had the energy all the way up to 5 keV. The improvement is due to better solenoid alignment and adjustment. The are still some saturation problems from time to time, but we still think better alignment and adjustment of the electrical parameters can fix that.

9/6 1998 NH + SPM