ISA meeting

Week 20, May 12, 1998

Status of the ring: Last weekend, we had to stop the HD+ run because of separator problems. For no apparent reason, we kept on getting sparks, which shut the machine down. Yesterday, the separator was taken apart and cleaned inside. It was pumped during the night, but the vacuum is too poor to start running again, so today, it is being leak tested. With luck, we should be able to start again late today, or early tomorrow.

ELISA, on the other hand, exhibits an excellent vacuum. Just one day after the bakeout was switched off, the vacuum is around 2*10-11 torr. It will get even better during the next few days. The new ELISA injector is just now being tested, and the machine should be ready to start running within the next week or so.

The EBIS source injector has been renovated, and now gives a more stable beam. UP is attempting to inject a beam, decelerate it, and see beam current on the EBIS cathode. So far, he has managed to decelerate down to 3-4 keV, and still see beam current on the cathode.

The microtron is running again, but still has problems with the RF waveguide. We are getting a new circulator, which should arrive very soon. As soon as we have it, NH and LP will install it and check all parts of the microtron in an attempt to get back to the pulse we had in the good old days.

12/5 1998 NH+SPM