ISA meeting

Week 19, May 5, 1998.

Status of the ring: Ion run 1/98 has now started. We are running 3 MeV HD+ for the electron cooler group, and from a ring point of view, it is going well. Right now, the group is trying to get a good overlap between the ion and electron beams. After HD+ we will run He2+ using one 4He and one 3He atom in the molecule.
Last week, we ran HD+ with the new control system, including acceleration. A notable success! Everything went well, and the advantages over the old system became very apparent, so we really look forward to using the new system all the time. We had to go back to the old system again last Thursday, because crucial parts of the new system are still missing, especially for the operation of the electron cooler. FA is working on that part, and it will be ready for the permanent changeover in August.

The Microtron had its thyratron changed last Thursday. Since then, there have been some problems with noise on the signal cables, but it should be fixed soon, such that the microtron will run well again later this week.

ELISA has been equipped with a new injector, which is nearing completion. It will be ready this week, after which ELISA will be baked for a week, in order to lower the pressure, which presently is at 7*10-11.

The unduline is now disassembled for installation of SGM-2.

Detectors for the ion run are in place. The detector in corner four exhibits some hot spots, but it is hoped, that this will improve in time. Otherwise, a replacement can become necessary.

5/5 1998 NH + SPM