ISA meeting

Week 48, Nov. 25, 1997.

No ISA report last week: We had a short meeting without sufficient news for a report, so do not look for a report from week 47.

Status of the ring: Last week, the CO++ and H- runs went well. The new drift tube for acceleration worked as intended.
Now, the laser cooling group is running Mg+, and everything is going well. This time, the group is primarily studying transverse cooling.

The new separator beamline has been postponed about 6 months in order to get the unduline finished earlier. The separator beamline is now planned to be set up during electron run 2/98, which will start in August 1998.

First ions in ELISA!! Last Friday, an ion beam was injected, and the beam almost made a full revolution. A small problem prevented a full revolution, but the problem has already been solved, and SPM and VT will continue tests tomorrow.

The Microtron is getting new o-rings mounted in the main dipoles. The extremely high levels of radiation hardens the o-rings, and they seem to last only about 2 years. As soon as the replacement is complete, the microtron will be restarted to be used for positron production.

The new control system is now used on the ion separator and ELISA. In the coming months, more and more will be taken over by the new system. The microtron and the injection beamline will probably come next.

The EBIS is in good shape. JL has aligned the system, and everything looks good for the first tests of the electrostatic switch, which will take place next week.

25/11 1997 NH+SPM