ISA meeting

Week 41, Oct. 7, 1997.

Status of the ring: Running conditions are stable. We routinely have 150-180 mA of accelerated beam. Lifetimes are also good, typically 12-16 hours.
Yesterday, we had some problems with cooling water for the quadrupoles. We managed to get things running again, but all the quadrupole water circuits should be cleaned during the coming shut-down period to prevent further problems.
The phase-modulation has been tested again. A lifetime increase of around a factor of three can be obtained, where the lifetime is dominated by Touschek scattering. This is also encouraging with respect to ASTRID II.

The extrated electron beamline: The group from the Bohr institute in Copenhagen is now working at corner 1, setting up to use the extracted 580 MeV electron beam.

The coming shut-down period will be used for a number of modifications. The hardware will be ready, according to KI. The parts are now being vacuum-fired.

Visitors from CERN last week told about new amplifiers for the beam position monitors, giving an improved signal to noise ratio.By using many (25) transitors in parallel, a gain in S/N-ratio of 10 can be achieved, TK reports. We could really use that, especially during ion runs and for ELISA. We will get a prototype for testing.

The S-700 monochromator: The Italian group which used the beamline last week finished this weekend. They were happy with the results, and prefer our beamline to the one they have been using at Elettra in Trieste!

The SGM: The system is again operational, and effort is now spent on getting some measurements done in this week, which is the last of this run.

The undulator beamline is now pumped and baked, with the exit mirrors in position, and the diode mounted. It will start operating today.

The X-Ray Microscope may be getting new customers: RM has been giving a talk at Danisco, and their research people were very interested, and seem to have projects which are suitable for our XRM.

7/10 1997 NH+SPM