Yesterday, Electron Run 2/97 started: The microtron is running well. It remains to be seen if the stability is improved as compared to the last run.
We currently have some RF problems. The cavity seems to be OK, but the transmitter is not OK.
TK is working hard to fix things, and we hope to be able to start perhaps later today. Yesterday,
we had >2 mA in the beam using fast injection. This is comparable to what we have had earlier
under similar conditions, so we are optimistic!
The Undulator Beamline is currently being pumped, but has not been baked. The pre-mirror
chamber is installed. As soon as it is ready, FF will check the monochromator and undulator
radiation in more detail. The beamline should be ready by mid-September, at which time the
chamber which is being used at Daresbury right now, will also be here.
The building modifications are finished: The new opening to the new hall has been made, and
the corner of the the 5MeV shielding has been cut off, yielding much better access at corner 4.
The door will be mounted in the opening in a few weeks. Until then, the opening is blocked with
concrete blocks.
FZK/Karlsruhe has ordered a 500 MeV booster for the ANKA electron storage ring from
Danfysik. The order includes a 50 MeV microtron and a 500 MeV booster-synchrotron with
associated transfer beamlines. Except for the RF-system, control system and vacuum pumps,
everything will be delivered by Danfysik. ISA is involved in this project as consultants, for
which Danfysik will pay an amount to ISA. The amount has not been agreed upon yet.
The position as biophysicist will not be filled soon. The successful applicant has withdrawn his
application, and the position will have to posted again.
Jan van Elp is leaving ISA on September 1st. JvE's new position is in Japan.
Karsten Telling Nielsen is leaving us in order to work at CERN for 6 months.
The new control system has been put through a stress test by TW and KTN, involving 11 computers running a total of 140 clients, each with 8 parameters updated 4 times/sec. This is much more than we will ever use, but the system passed the test without problems.
5/8 1997 SPM+NH