ISA meeting

Week 17, April 22, 1997.

Status of the ring: The ring is still running very well, and the users are happy (at least with the beam). We have 4 active beamlines at the moment, all of which are getting good results.
This is the last week of Electron Run 1/97. It will end on Sunday April 27th, and ion run 1/97 will start on Monday May 12th.

Safety: There will be a meeting in the ISA safety organization tomorrow, Wednesday April 23rd at 9:30 (changed from last weeks meeting report)
You are all welcome to the meeting, which will take place in our meeting room.

The X-ray Microscope is going 3D: RM presented a small viewer with two pictures taken with an angle difference of 6 degrees. When you look at the pictures in the viewer, you can get a 3-dimensional impression of the sample!
RM is also working on taking pictures using phase contrast.

The new control system: The G64 crate which controls bakeout of the ring is removed at the moment, in order to make it run under the new control system.
Vacuum control will also be under the new system in the coming run.

The coming ion run: Everything is ready for the ring modifications needed for the coming Ion Run 1/97: The parts to be mounted are the RF cavity, the injection beamline, the detector chamber in corner 2 and the chambers in section 2, which replace the undulator chamber.

The platform for visitors has a number of frames, in which posters describing the projects and hardware of the ring should be placed. We have bought a number of blank picture frames in which you can place your text and figures.
The old posters, which are in the old hall at present, will be moved to the corridor in the new building, so you have to prepare new material, which in many cases can be similar to the old.
In order to get a uniform appearance of the new posters, we have prepared a brief styleguide, which we encourage you to use when you prepare your material. The guidelines are briefly:
Avoid too much text. No more than half the area of the poster should be text, preferably less than half. Give factual information such as numbers and specifications.
You should use illustrations to explain things if you can. Use color in the illustrations if possible
The font you use should be Times Roman. Headlines should be 48 pt bold, while the text should be 24 pt.
NB: The posters must be ready for the inauguration of the new building in the second half of May!
The subjects which MUST be covered are:
The ring: RF, control system, diagnostics, undulator, magnets, vacuum.
Injectors: Microtron, Separator
Beamlines: SGM/SCIENTA, SX700, XRM, Undulator, etc
Ion equipment and experiments: Electron and laser cooling, lifetime measurements etc.
Other activities: ELISA, EBIS, Positrons, Astrid II.

22/4 1997 NH+SPM