Users Manual for the ConSys System
User manuals for the ConSys System.
The User Manuals are divided into the following 4 subsections (click on the folder symbol in the menu at the left)
Application manuals: These pages are intended for the end-user.
Device service manuals: These pages are intended for ConSys System personel.
Operation/Overview: These pages give an overview of or an introduction to ConSys (what it can do and how it is done).
Program versions: Gives link to version files, which also includes a list of known bugs (it is however not all pages which are well maintained).
If you find an error in a ConSys program or have a wish for a new feature, look here.
Short ConSys Introduction.
The ConSys is the control system for the ISA facilities. The system running on Windows
NT and XP computers and Windows Servers. There is two major parts in the system. The 'ConSys System Service' is a
service running on all computers using the control system. It include the core of the
system - data definitions, network transport, database access etc. The ConSys service
loads all devices registered for the given computer. Computers containing devices are by
convention called front-end computers and computers without devices for console computers.
Apart from specific devices located in separate dll's, there are no differences in the
software on console and front-end computers - i.e.. A front end computer can act as console
as well, although it is not recommended.
See the ConSys
Introduction/Overview for more information.
Last Modified 14 January 2019